понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

builder contractor fence tucson

Ok, so Iapos;m making my boyfriend a sweater. Yeah yeah, I know- but he asked me to, and picked all of it out, pattern included.

I said the big F U to the gauge swatch...and didnapos;t do one.

Iapos;m up to the armhole. It looks...off.

I made the freakinapos; swatch. Itapos;s 3/4" off in the width but great in the length. A 3 3/4" by 4" rectangle.

How do I fix the problem? Thank you in advance

x-posted to punk_knitters and 20sknitters

expand com, builder contractor fence tucson, builder contractor fence tulsa, builder contractor fence washington, builder contractor fence wichita.

blackbeard channel history

Iapos;m just so fucking sick of this election.
Iapos;m sick of McCain/Palin ripping.
Iapos;m sick of retarted, dumbass, Kool-Aid drinking Obama supporters who are only gonna vote for him because "OMG heapos;s black and heapos;s the "cool" choice."
Iapos;m sick of being attacked on various sites because of my beliefs.
Iapos;m sick of the fact the people are buying Obamaapos;s bullshit.
Iapos;m sick of people saying that Sarah Paln is dumb/stupid/inexpierenced/anti-woman/etc/etc/
just because she is a conservative woman and people are afraid of that.
Iapos;m sick of everyone screaming "RAAAAAACIIIIST" on every fucking thing that McCain and Palin say.
Iapos;m sick of Joe Bidenapos;s disgusting smirk.
Iapos;m sick of liberal feminists who say that I am anti-woman just simply because I am voting for McCain/Palin, and because I am aganist abortion.
Iapos;m sick of NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, etc.
Iapos;m sick of people ripping on Bill Oapos;Reilly/other conservative news just because they are telling the truth.
Iapos;m sick of dumb-as-shit celebrities doing PSAs aganist McCain, and they have no idea what they are talking about.
I know that the election is not over yet, but I have a terrible feeling that Obama will get into office and that the country will be in an even bigger mess than it already is.
All I have to say is.......
I canapos;t wait until he screws up in office, and people will bash him the same way they bash Bush, and us McCain supporters can say, "I told you so."
Rant over....for now......

expand comfort zone, blackbeard channel history, blackbeard channel geographic national, blackbeard channel discovery, blackbeard caye.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

de jose luis perales si

It was a quiet English Country Dance gathering today, the dances were either very complicated and we walked through them from every position, or they were very easy and we buzzed through easily on one walk-through.
I missed the first 20 minutes, I got a late start leaving home and then I stopped to get a coffee cake and lemon sparkling water for the snack table. I left my glasses in the car, so did the afternoon without glasses. I hope my new glasses come soon, my old ones are very very scratched. I also did not get to dance the last dance, no partner. Oh, well I did get acquainted with a woman named Elizabeth, she used to dance SCD in Davis, she may come to the Santa Rosa class.
An otherwise quiet day.

expand com, de jose luis perales si, de jose madre maria san, de jose maipo san, de jose maria pereda.

carmen sandiego xbox

An unknown number called in just nw ard 7+. Answered the call to a person sobbing on the phone, not saying anything. As in, SOBBINGSCREAMING. Couldnt get a word in before the call was hung up. Thought it was naz so i called back but no she didnt. Even had her sumpah she didnt call lol.�

(no i dunno why i thought it was naz, dont ask)�

then the call came in again, and i answered to someone laughing and almost mengilai on the phone. Fuck okay it was mtfcking scary i couldnt move i was just like wtf wtf wtf. Started to think of who in the world could do that or whose in trouble. Called home since my homeapos;s a private number but no it wasnt from home. Made magg call naz with pretext of sth else to make sure shes okay. Just when i thought it was a someone who i shouldnt even bother abt, my brother asked if overseas call comes in my phone as unknown number.

see, my ma is currently overseas in bangkok alone with only her colleague will only be back tmr after abt 5days. Goddamn, that got me panicking like fuck. I dont know, all sort of shit was running thru my head.

she just didnt reply the messages. Called her but no answer. Was rly panicking finally she picked up like few hours later.�

"ibu are you okay"
"yeahh why?"
"did u call me just nw?"
"nolah whyy?"
"why you never reply the msgs?"
"i was going to call u when i get back to hotel�WHY"

so i got her panicking but i refused to tell her what exactly happened.�
then i realised i probably sound like her when she has no idea where the hell i am.

moral of story?
if those calls were pranks, its damn not funny.
if those calls werent pranks.. Hm.

biggest moral would be i actually miss my mum.�

expand comfort zone, carmen sandiego xbox, carmen sandiego theme song lyrics, carmen sandiego theme song, carmen sandiego online games.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

foto del desierto

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bmx trick crashes

My first order of business...well, that is a very strong way to start something I intend NOT to be a formal documentation of myself. I suppose I should start with that. This journal will be a placeholder of my thoughts, something to document my ideas and feelings, perhaps even record my growth sometime down the road. I intend for this to be much more than a silly venture for the dull days of winter. Perhaps it will bring me closer to those I do not know, or entreat upon them a little of myself. But its main purpose, this storing of words, is for much more personal reasons.

My name is Smallbird, daughter of Donder and MallowWind. I am a half-grown, or what most would call an adolescent with six years under my hooves. They have all been blessed and trouble free years, praise Alma, with no major accidents or worries. Both my Sire and Dam are in splendid health, and I have experienced no loss of life as many of my friends have. I am a very lucky filly.

My place of residence, my homeland, is the only home I would ever call my own, and instead of seeking adventure like many my age, I am simply happy to reside at home and enjoy all that this time of peace has to offer. I must confess a fear however. I heard from some colts my own age that there is talk of trouble with the gryphons, our allies made on the back of Jan, our Battleprince. Some speak of war. This troubles me, and I hope it is only gossip among the hot-headed foals opposite of my gender.

I am unpaired and have no fancies or admirers, which is for the better. However, I also do not have a role in the herd. I am no great warrior, although I have been initiated, and my lack of skill in fighting shows very well when I practice...when. Too many others in the herd have a better singerapos;s voice than I, and I would never want to pose myself as competition to their own skills and triumphs, and healing...itapos;s a craft best started young. I mix the herbs up and confuse the poisons. I feel useless with no job to the herd, sometimes.

I do have wonderful friends, though Buch and Aiony are my two greatest friends, though I am more inclined to call Aiony my best of shoulder-friends. She is a fierce warrior at heart and a skilled dreamer and also the princess of the unicorns.

Formal introductions now out of the way, I hope to open up more in later posts about my thoughts and feelings- for I have never been as lost and confused in them as I am at present.

david leat, bmx trick crashes, bmx trick game, bmx trick game online.

david learner investment

So Iapos;m up and running, now. I picked up a barebones system from a guy in Fenton. I put my old system drive in it and got Windows going. Iapos;m doing the process of updating Windows first. Next step will be to get the data drive in and getting Windows to recognize it.

The computer is nice and fast. The video card sucks, though, so Iapos;ll have to go back to the old one. Thatapos;s kinda sad because the old one is really old and itapos;s definitely time for an update.

We just got done taking pictures with Becca. Now itapos;s about dinner time. I discovered the sink or the drain pipes are leaking again. I think itapos;s about time to cut it all out and start over with new PVC under there to make sure everything fits properly. Iapos;ll glue the pipes together, too, not just use those screw connectors.

Tomorrow is a busy Sunday at church, and then a break before the recital. I donapos;t know how well Iapos;m going to do. I know all the notes, but thereapos;s no piston sequencer on this organ, so Iapos;m going to be doing a lot of random grabbing for toe studs, I think. For an organ built by the same company as Thirdapos;s organ, at exactly the same time, their instrument is so much more disappointing. Itapos;s loud, but not in a happy way. Well, loud is what they want, so thatapos;s what theyapos;re going to get from me.

The concert is at 3:00 at Grace Methodist, located at Skinker and Waterman, in case anyone just doesnapos;t have anything better to do tomorrow.
david learner investment, david learner, david learned, david learn.